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Alexa算法更新完毕 新排名政策推出

 2008-04-17 08:02  来源: www.minshengw.com   我来投稿 撤稿纠错





We've been working hard behind the scenes for several months and are excited to announce that our new Alexa Rankings system is available.我们一直在努力工作的幕后数个月,很高兴向大家宣布我们的新Alexa的排名系统可提供。

Alexa的时候,就开始展现排名, 1998年,它是与目标,显示Alexa的工具条用户如何受欢迎任何特定网站内Alexa的社会。 We generated the rankings through an analysis of Internet usage by people who use the Alexa Toolbar.我们所产生的排名通过分析互联网的使用人使用Alexa的工具栏。 Since that time we've been delighted to see that the Alexa Rankings have become a yardstick by which website popularity is measured.自那时以来,我们已经欣喜地看到,在Alexa的排名已经成为一个准绳,使网站人气,是衡量。 We are grateful to the thousands of people who come to Alexa.com each day to check the Alexa Rankings.我们对此表示感谢,向成千上万的人来alexa.com每天检查Alexa的排名。

In recent months we've heard from our Alexa users that understanding Internet usage beyond Alexa Toolbar users was increasingly of interest.近几个月来,我们听说过,从我们的Alexa的用户,了解互联网的使用超出了Alexa的工具条用户是越来越大的兴趣。 Ask and you shall receive!请问你应领取!

We listened to your suggestions, and we believe that our new rankings system is much closer to what you asked for.我们聆听您的建议,而且我们认为我们的新的排名制度是更接近你的要求。 We now aggregate data from multiple sources to give you a better indication of website popularity among the entire population of Internet users.我们现在总的数据从多种来源,以让您能更清楚显示的网站,深受全国人口的因特网用户。

You gave us many other suggestions as well, and we are working hard to implement them.你给了我们很多其他的建议很好,我们正努力加以实施。 We won't tell any secrets just yet, but you can expect to see new features rolled out over the coming weeks and months.我们不会告诉任何秘密刚才虽然尚未实现,但是你可以看到新的特点推出了在今后几周和几个月。

Below are a few common questions we anticipate from the Alexa community, along with our answers.下面是几个常见问题,我们预计从Alexa的社会,是随着我国的答案。

My site's ranking has changed.我的网站的排名发生了变化。 Was it wrong before?是不是错了吗?

Your ranking wasn't wrong before, but it was different.你的排名没有错,但它是不同的。 Alexa toolbar users' interests and surfing habits could differ from those of the general population in a number of ways, and we described some of those possible differences on our website. Alexa的工具条用户的利益和上网习惯,可不同于那些普通百姓在若干方面,我们所描述的一些人可能存在差异,我们的网站上。 While the vast majority of sites' rankings were unaffected by such differences, we've worked hard on our new ranking system to adjust for situations in which they could matter.而绝大多数网站的排名没有受到这样的分歧,但我们已经努力工作,对我们的新的排名制度,以适应情况,使他们能够此事。

The new rankings should better reflect the interests and surfing habits of the broader population of Web users.新的排名应该更好地反映利益和上网习惯的更广泛的人口的网民。

Why are the long range graphs gone?为什么是长程图去了? I can only get 9 months of historical data.我只能得到9个月的历史数据。

We are recalculating historic traffic data and will continue to add it over the coming weeks.我们正在重新历史性的交通数据,并会继续增加它在今后几个星期。 We apologize for the inconvenience, but should have several years of data back on line shortly.我们对此表示歉意的不便,但应该有几年的数据发回线不久。

Will you change the rankings again?你会改变排名再次?

We are constantly working to ensure that we provide the most useful data that we can.我们正不断地工作,以确保我们所提供的最有用的数据,我们可以。 We will continue to fine tune our algorithms but don't foresee any additional big changes.我们将继续微调算法,但没有预见到任何额外很大变化。 If you think something is amiss please let us know.如果你觉得有什么不妥,请让我们知道。

I liked the old rankings better.我喜欢旧的排名更好。 Are they still available somewhere?他们仍然可用吗?

We liked the old rankings as well.我们喜欢旧的排名一样。 However, we developed the new system in response to the huge number of requests we got from users like you, and now that it's done we like it even better.但是,我们制定了新的制度,为了应对数量庞大的请求,我们将获得的用户喜欢你,现在,它这样做我们喜欢它,甚至更好。 We hope you will too.我们希望你们能过。

We think that having more than one ranking system at a time would be confusing, so we have removed the old rankings.我们认为有一个以上的等级制,在时间将有所混淆,因此,我们必须清除旧的排名。

Do you want to know what I think about this?你想知道什么,我认为此事?

Definitely.肯定。 We've been collecting suggestions and ideas for months now, and would love to hear more.我们一直在收集建议和新思路,几个月来,并会喜欢听。 If you have thoughts on what we've done so far, or ideas on what we should do next, please share them with us.如果你有思考什么,我们迄今所做的,或想法就要做什么,请一起分享我们。



